How Are You Going To Survive Colder Weather?

You're not the first person to wonder what you need to survive a "Mini Ice Age." A famous, American psychologist Dr. Harold Maslow, assembled a 5-tier Pyramid of Needs, with 20 individual needs, which we must fulfill for our personal survival and success in life. Known as his Hierarchy of Needs, Maslow's significant model of defining human needs begins with Basic Human Needs, such as food and water, and includes Personal Safety, such as health safety, family safety, and property safety

We face a threat to life from global cooling brought on by the the cooling sun. Dr. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a practical blueprint to help us understand our most critical needs, prioritize their value and implement a plan to assure their successful fulfillment. Within Dr. Maslow's 5 levels are 20 categories of needs. These are outlined below.

"Expect global cooling for the next 2-3 decades that will be far more damaging than global warming would have been."

Dr Donald Easterbrook, Professor of Geology, Western Washington University

 Author of Evidence-Based Climate Science    

What Do You Need?
20 CATEGORIES OF NEEDS within the 5 levels
Level #1 – Breathing, Food, Water, Sleep, Homeostasis, Excretion
Level #2 – Security of Body, Work, Resources, Family, Health, Property
Level #3 – Friendship, Family, Sexual Intimacy
Level #4 – Self Esteem, Confidence, Achievement, Respect for Self and Others
Level #5 – Morality, Creativity, Problem-Solving, Acceptance of Situation
The pyramid of Maslow's 5 Tiers of Survival Needs is pictured below. The six Basic Bodily Needs are the foundation of the pyramid. The second level is made up of six Personal Safety Needs. In the middle, are three needs related to Friends and Family. The fourth level is Self Esteem and its four needs. And, at the top are Self Actualization's four needs. Within the five levels, Maslow identified twenty-three individual needs, which can be looked upon as the building blocks of the pyramid.

General Psychology ranked Dr. Maslow as one of the top, most cited psychologists of the 20th century. He stressed the importance of focusing on the positive qualities in people, as opposed to treating them as a "bag of symptoms." Links to research by Dr. Harold Maslow.
Self Actualization
Self Esteem
Friends and Family
Personal Safety
Basic Bodily Needs
Bodily Needs: Breathing • Food • Water • Sleep • Homeostasis • Excretion
Personal Safety: Security of Body • Work • Resources • Family • Health • Property
Friends and Family: Friendship • Family • Sexual Intimacy
Self Esteem: Self Esteem, Confidence, Achievement • Respect for Self and Others
Self Actualization: Morality • Creativity • Problem Solving • Acceptance of Situation


Triangle Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
You do not have very much time to reinvent the wheel, before you are confronted with life threatening conditions that need a fast response. Get on Board NOW! ASSESS YOUR NEEDS


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Bodily Needs
Our support team works hard searching out new sources of information to help you get access to information and to skills to help you get things running smoothly to get up to speed on the skills you need to acquire quickly to help you successfully address the needs which are your top priority to assure your success. For thirty years the global warmers scared you into believing that the sky is falling. What are they telling you to do now to prepare for their forecasted torching of the earth? SURVIVAL NOW


Survival Needs: Information Needs
In Maslow's original 5 tiered Hierarchy of Needs the "most quoted psychologist in the 20th Century" does not even give a tip of the hat to a person's "Information Needs." If a person is making decisions based on bad information, that person may not even get a chance to take a step up Maslow's ladder. Make sure that you are not in such a situation. In this website we have assembled links to YouTUBE videos and to numerous websites on the web where you can find information to help you. INFORMATION
Are you prepared for "The Global Something-or-Other?"

While you have been harangued, badgered and bullied for 30 years by the Global Warming Alarmists, blaming you for causing global warming, you have been kept in the dark about the studies of real scientists, who have been forecasting the exact opposite of warming, namely, the cooling of planet Earth. We are entering a solar cycle known as the Grand Solar Minimum, when the sun throttles back its afterburners, bringing about a "Solar Dimming" and "Global Cooling."

You should want to know about your best strategies to survive "Ice Cube Earth." READ MORE
Prepare For “Teeth-Chattering” Cold Weather

Research conducted by the United States Army raises a warning on how freezing weather can injure and kill people. Its conclusions are timely in advance of the freezing temperatures forecast for the approaching fall and winter. Farmers’ Almanac forecasts a “teeth-chattering” cold one. Freezing temperatures could rival those of last year, when the infamous Polar Vortex blew in some of the coldest temperatures on record in the northern hemisphere.

With permission from the US Army, publisher Dan Youra reprints three of its most relevant medical books on the effects of freezing temperatures on human beings. Two books are Medical Aspects of Cold Environments and Pictorial Atlas of Freezing Cold Injury originally printed by the US Army Department of Medicine in its Medical Aspects of Harsh Environments, Vol 1 (2001). The third book, Prevention and Management of Cold Weather Injuries, is a reprint of The Surgeon General's Technical Bulletin MED-508 (2005).

Download Books $5.00 each. All three books for $10.00

Below are the 20 Survival Needs from the Hierarchy of Needs, developed by the psychologist Dr. Harold Maslow in a 1940s paper on “A Theory of Motivation.” First step is "Bodily Needs."
Bodily Needs are Fundamental
The foundation of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is the Bodily Needs category, which is made up of Breathing, Food, Water, Sleep, Homeostasis, and Excretion. As the prospect of a major catastrophe devastating food production across the entire planet is forecast, the Bodily Needs of all human beings will be threatened. 

Food is the most visible and easily understood as an imminent threat. It is useful to look at food as the first domino. Lack of food or insufficient food can lead to anxiety, the opposite of homeostasis. Working harder to secure food may cause loss of sleep.

Food shortages and outright famine would challenge all aspects of security––body, work, resources, family, health, and property. "The Haves," who have food will need to defend their food from the "Have Nots." Bodies will be threatened. Resources will be strained. Families will be challenged. Undernourished bodies have weaker immune systems, which require health resources. And whose property could possibly be considered safe?
Food is Bodily Need
A Victory Garden can be a person's Super Market.

Personal Safety on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
The saying goes "A man's Home is his Castle."
The needs populating the bottom two tiers on the "Needs Pyramid" are the most demanding in times of massive, social changes. When the threat of crop loss due to scorching heat or bitter freeze rears its ugly head in a period of either global warming or global cooling.

The front line threats in a disaster will directly challenge the needs in the Personal Safety category. People will long for the security of pre-disaster days. Hungry packs of people will search everywhere for food. Everyone fears any threat to the health of their bodies. Resources will be challenged. The security of family stability will be upset. The security of all properties will be tested.

This example indicates the interconnected nature of the needs spread up and down the steps of Maslow's pyramid.

Friends and Family Needs
Holding down the middle position on the stairway up from basic Bodily Needs to the top tier position of Self Actualization is Friends and Family. Supportive behavior towards folks close to us fills a need in us and in loved ones. When unfamiliar and unwanted pressures fall in our laps due to radical changes in what had been normal daily routines, stressed behavior modes are more likely to "take it out" on friends and family. This projection of our own frustrations assuages our own frustrations at dealing with the situation, when there may not be bread and butter on the table.  

Tumultuous changes as extreme as those projected by the Global Warners militate against our best behaviors.  
The song's lyrics say, "People who need people are the luckiest people in the world."

Self Esteem is Higher Need
Higher Need is Self Esteem
Achievement builds confidence It builds self esteem.
Self Esteem holds rank directly below the Self Actualization king. Self Esteem's qualities are manifest in Confidence, Achievement, and Respect for self and others. In the loss of these behaviors what is witnessed is their shadow side. Confidence slips into fear, Achievement transforms into failure, and Respect is replaced by bigotry and scorn.

In the midst of great social upheaval it is not only water and food that are commodities that become more scarce and difficult to acquire. This higher quality of Self Esteem all but disappears or at least is worn away. Its shadow is manifest in disappointment, depression, lack of motivation and, in the extreme, can end in suicide. Suffering under the traumatic weight of radical life changed, the entire society can be racked by the debilitating outcomes commonly associated with PTSD.

On the top of Maslow's Needs Pyramid reigns the regal quality of Self Actualization, meant to summarize the attributes of Morality, Creativity, Problem Solving, and Acceptance of the Situation. No matter how much of a "need" Self Actualization is, it is difficult to attain, and therefore ignored, when the needs on the foundational levels, namely Personal Safety and Bodily Needs, are not being met.

When society experiences a drop off in attention or ability to satisfy the needs of the higher functions, it is not surprising that society experiences a deterioration in the quality of the behaviors involving Morality, Creativity, Problem Solving, and Acceptance of the Situation
Photo of Self Actualization
Self Actualization emerges from a practice or right living.

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